Immunosuppressant Drugs Help Prevent Rejection of Foreign Bodies such as Transplant Organs

Ajinkya khedkar
2 min readMay 4, 2021


Immunosuppressant drugs are (a class of drugs) used to suppress/reduce the strength of the body’s immune system. Such drugs are widely used in organ transplant procedures (called anti-rejection drugs) as well as to treat some autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and others. An individual’s body recognizes the transplanted organ as a foreign mass, which the immune system may attack, leading to organ rejection. To avoid such situations, these drugs are used to weaken the reaction against foreign organs. However, regular blood tests are essential for monitoring the action of the drug on the body. These drugs are powerful and can have side effects such as liver disorders, high blood pressure, and kidney problems.

There are more than 250 transplant centers in the United States. In 2019, around 39,717 organs such as kidneys and hearts and kidneys were transplanted in U.S. residents. Moreover, in 2019, Singapore’s organ transplant rate for kidney (both deceased and living) was 16 per million population, which is expected to increase with a rising life expectancy and chronic diseases in Singapore. In Italy, the number of organ transplants increased significantly over time. In 2000, around 2,386 organs were transplanted in Singapore, while around 3,813 procedures were carried out as of 2019.

Immunosuppressant drugs help reduce the risk of rejection of foreign bodies such as transplant organs. Immunosuppressant drugs (also known as anti-rejection drugs) lower the body’s ability to reject a transplanted organ. There are 2 types of immunosuppressants such as induction drugs (antirejection medicine used at the time of transplant) and maintenance drugs (antirejection medications used for the long term). The goal of immunosuppressants is to prevent rejection and reduce the side effects of the drugs. Almost everyone who has a transplant should take these medicines every day as directed.

